essays + ideas

Juan Lleras Juan Lleras

My biggest win ever: and how you can be a leader

I’ve been reflecting a lot on this story, and what it means to be a leader. It inspired me to write down some lessons I learned. This is the word professionals love, so I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring with a few ideas.

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Juan Lleras Juan Lleras

Sports and the power of the modern day storyteller

In the same way books or movies have this ability to provide narratives in people's lives, I believe sports accomplish this very same thing; letting us belong to other realities outside of standard everyday life.

Think about it.

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Juan Lleras Juan Lleras

My Favorite Piece of Art

If you were to ask me what it feels like to watch this movie, what I would best compare it to is like driving in a horrific motor accident.

It’s ugly, frequently morbid, and ultimately induces stress. And yet, you can’t stop yourself and just stare at the whole thing as you pass by.

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Juan Lleras Juan Lleras

A First week in coding: sets, strings, integers and many errors

In all seriousness, after the first “real” week of python, I have some thoughts.

“And what's psychology got to do with CS?” you may ask. I don’t know either, but I always like experimenting so I thought I’d take a crack at this.

Here are some insights after week one:

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Juan Lleras Juan Lleras

Saving Virtual Reality

In this essay, I'll outline three key issues plaguing Virtual Reality, and offer some solutions businesses can take to save it.

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Juan Lleras Juan Lleras

The Donda Hive Switch

These first 6 minutes of the Donda Listening Party when the song “24” played, is my closest experience with what author Jonathan Haidt calls, the “Hive Switch.” This might come as a surprise, but everyone has a “Hive Switch” inside of them, unlocking it just requires certain conditions.

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